Top 3 Benefits of Designing a One-Page Website in 2022 (for Melbourne Businesses)
When it comes to creating a website in Melbourne, Australia, it needs to stand out! As one of the most hip and forward-facing cities in the country, it’s no use having a bland, boring, basic website or one that’s overly clunky and hard for users to navigate. That kind of thing just won’t fly in 2022. So, what’s the answer? What is the perfect website for a Melbourne-based business? One page is all you need.
What is a one-page website?
One-page websites are websites made up of just one page. Simple, right?
Sometimes they’re referred to as ‘parallax scrolling websites’ or just ‘one-pagers’ by those in the know. One-page websites take out the complexities of browsing websites because everything a user could need is right there in front of them, from the get-go.
There’s no need to click through to view details about products, services or other information surrounding the business – it’s all included on the very front page.

Often, one-page websites will be broken up into sections to make it easier for visitors to the webpage to find the information they need.
Overall, a one-page website should be neat, tidy, mobile-friendly, image-driven and as easy as possible for a user to utilise and navigate.
One of the most important things to consider when the time comes to build a one-page website is to only work with a reputable one-page website builder, Melbourne-based, for businesses who like to support local, or really, anywhere you prefer. The key to a great one-page website is the knowledge, skill and expertise that goes into planning and creating it.
Why work with a one-page website builder in Melbourne?
There are a few reasons why a business or individual might choose to work with a one-page website builder on their next website building project. Here are just a few benefits of one-page websites and working with professionals to have them expertly created.
More user-friendly
There’s no frustrating ‘refresh page’ options to take up more time than needed and a user doesn’t need to visit a whole bunch of different pages just to find the one piece of information they’re looking for.
Strategic use of visuals, concise content and intuitive navigation are a must with one-pagers, leading to less frustration and a better experience overall for site visitors.
Time wasting is kept to a minimum when it comes to both using and maintaining the site.

The message is clear and simplified
When you’ve only got a single page to work with, it forces you to keep messages clear and concise. This is perfect for helping businesses truly home in on what their key selling points are, and allows them to simplify their messaging, making it easy for potential customers and clients to comprehend and relate to.
Appealing and scalable across many industries
One of the main benefits of working with a one-page website builder (in Melbourne or elsewhere) is the fact that one-pagers offer the perfect combination of scalability and visual appeal.
A good one-page website builder knows how to create a design that will work well with imagery and copy that will appeal to their client’s target audience.
Flexibility and scalability across industries is also a fantastic benefit.
If you’re considering hiring a Melbourne website builder to craft the ultimate one-page website for your cause, feel free to get in touch with our team today. We’d love to work with you!